
Friday, July 1, 2011

...exercising !!

Exercising my creative juices that is (although I should probably try to hit the gym at some point as well)! While I've been working nonstop at my internship with Karen Bussen in the city (check her out at if you haven't heard of her!) the downside is that I've also been slacking :( on my blog and have been in a kind of creative funk for a while. Thanks to our glorious Independence Day and a little bit of chance, I have FIVE days off this week!! What am I doing? I'm soaking up all there is to see and experience during this fabulous time of year in NYC. I plan to walk the High Line, visit the Alexander McQueen show at the MET, be blown away by ABC Carpet and Home on Broadway, see an independent movie at the Anjelika Theater on Houston St. and practice my flower arranging! Packing right? I also plan to fit in a friend's birthday party, a bbq, and some firework action as well :)

Yesterday I picked up a bunch of flowers and decided I was going to make a garland and share it with you all. Follow the steps to make your own!! 

What you'll need:
3" wires
vase for keeping flowers in water
Flowers!! (it's nice to have a few blooms and a few leafy greens to make a full and lush garland)

Step 1. Divide your flowers into groups and then cut to desired lengths (you will be making tiny bouquets)

Step 2.  Take one of each bloom and couple leafy greens and create a small bouquet. Then wrap one of your 3" wires around the bottom to secure. They should look almost like over-sized boutonnieres. 

I like to have a small vase around so I can keep all the small bouquets in water while I'm working.

About 15 bouquets shown here.

Step 3. Simply take one bouquet and begin wrapping wire around the bottom of another. Continue until you have only three more bouquets left. 
When this happens, just turn the bouquets the other way so that you are adding on the last three in the opposite direction. Hide any wire or empty patches remaining leaves and blooms!

Hope you enjoyed the quick tutorial! It was lots of fun to make and I can't wait to share the rest of my week with you :)

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